
Jumat, 17 Agustus 2007

photoshop part 4

Picture detail crosscut practice use Tool.

Tool Crop function to cut the rest of background element or picture which not needed

1. Click Icon crop tool (press C)

2. Boundary picture of crop, shift in window draw to make a parallelogram around part of picture which wishes to be defended

3. Shift in definition of crop to removing it

4. Shift handle to alter picture definition size measure, depress shift and shift to alter its size measure professionally

5. Shift beyond the bounds of crop to uphold and cut picture in one operation

6. Amputation dot will become dot center rotation if shifting handle with or alt of option

7. Sign click check at choice line, choose double Image-Crop-Click in boundary of crop press enter.

1.7. Canvas Size Command

Functioning to enlarge or minimize canvas. Select Image > Canvas Size and use choice of New Size to change canvas size measure or dimension. Grid Anchor Functioning to positioning picture on] canvas which has been altered its size measure.

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