select tool
Marquee : membuat seleksi dalam bentuk persegi panjang, lingkaran dan baris
Move : menggeser objek pada layer yang aktif
Lasso : membuat seleksi bebas
Magic Wand : membuat seleksi berdasarkan tingkat kesamaan warna
Crop : membuang bagian dari bingkai objek/image canvas yang tidak
Slice : membuat seleksi untuk membagi image dalam beberapa potongan
Painting & Editing
Healing : membuat duplikat dari obyek dengan cara menggeser
Paintbrush : membuat simulasi goresan kuas pada saat mewarnai obyek
Clone Stamp : mengambil sampel warna permukaan tertentu, untuk diduplikasikan
di permukaan bagian lain
History Brush : mengembalikan obyek pada posisi seperti history atau snapshot
Eraser : menutupi warna dengan warna foreground
Paint Bucket : mengisi daerah yang memiliki kemiripan warna dengan tempat anda
menekan mouse
Blur : mengelapkan warna pada obyek
Dodge : menerangkan warna pada obyek
Tool Spesial
Path Component : menggeser letak titik yang telah dibuat pada path
Text : menulis teks horizontal pada objek
Pen : membuat path yang dapat digunakan sebagai seleksi atau alat gambar
Rectangle : membuat kotak segi empat
Notes : membuat catatan pada objek dan bisa ditambah dengan penggunaan audio
Eyedropper : mengganti warna foreground dengan sample warna yang diinginkan
Hand : menggeser bidang kerja ke posisi yang diinginkan
Zoom : memperbesar atau memperkecil tampilan objek
Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2007
photoshop tools
Diposting oleh abiez 0 komentar
yahoo messenger multi login
Klik Start - Run dan tulis regedit kemudian klik OK.
Cari :
Setelah itu sorot Test dan klik kanan kemudian pilih NEW dan create DWORD.
Beri nama hasil create tsb dg nama Plural dan isilah nilainya dengan 1 (Decimal).
setelah selesai semua restart kompie..lalu klik bbrp kali ikon YM...dan hasilnya..lgsg terlihat....
Untuk kembali normal (nggak bisa multi login) isi nilai decimal dengan angka 0 atau hapus Plural.
Diposting oleh abiez 0 komentar
tips & trik friendster
script ini gwe nemu, tapi jarng make friendster makanya diposting ajah, kali aja ada yang mau
(tiap script diawali "<" dan diakhiri kata awal script<>/" yang gwe ilangin)
Tips and Trik merubah tampilan Friendster kamu ( original creator by LH )
style type="text/css"> /*Bagian Background*/ table, tr, td { background-color:black; border:none; border-width:0;} body { background-color:black; background-image:url(' '); background-attachment: fixed; background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-color:black; border-width:18px ; border-style: solid;
style type="text/css"> /* HEADING: NAME */ .left_column_header h2 { font-size:18px !Important; border-bottom-color:transparent; border:0px; } .left_column_header h2,.left_column_header h2 .online { color:transparent; font-weight:bold; } /* HEADING: LARGE GREEN */ .left_column_header2,.right_column_title,.right_co lumn .column_header { background-color:transparent; height:20px; border:1px solid; border-color:transparent; border:0px; } .left_column_header2 h1,.right_column_title h1,.right_column .column_header h1 { font-size:12px; margin:3px 0px 0px 5px; color:transparent; font-weight:bold; } .commonbox h2 { font-size:12px !Important; background-color:transparent; color:transparent; font-weight:bold; } #teaserbox h2 { font-size:12px !Important; background-color:transparent; color:transparent; font-weight:bold; } /* BOX BG & BORDER: MY PROFILE */ .left_column_wrapper,.left_column_wrapper .left_column_content { background-color:transparent; border-color:transparent; border:0px; } /* BOX BG & BORDER: EDIT PROFILE */ .column_profile_nav { background-color:transparent; border-color:transparent; border:0px; } /* BOX BG & BORDER: NAV BAR */ #navigation { background-color:transparent; background-image:none; } #nav_bg { background-color:transparent; border-bottom:0px; } #navigation div { background-color:transparent; background-image:none; } /* BOX BG & BORDER: ALL OTHERS */ .left_column_content,.right_column_content,.right_ column .column_content,.boxcontent { background-color:transparent; border-color:transparent; border:0px; } .commonbox { border-color:transparent; border:0px; } #teaserbox div { background-color:transparent; border-color:transparent; border:0px; }
div style="width: 400px; height: 200px; background-color: FF2222; color: DDDDDD; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 10px; text-align: left; border: 4px solid 000000; overflow: auto; padding: 4px;">
*nb : ganti text,ukuran dan warna yang kamu mau .
style type="text/css"> body { scrollbar-face-color:000000; scrollbar-highlight-color:FF2222; scrollbar-3dlight-color:000000; scrollbar-shadow-color:000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:FF2222; scrollbar-track-color:000000; }
*nb : ganti warna sesukamu .
style type="text/css"> /* TESTIMONIAL STYLE */ .left_column_testimonials_content a,.left_column_testimonials_content a:active,.left_column_testimonials_content a:visited,.left_column_testimonials_add a { font-size:14px; color:#ffffff !Important; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; } .left_column_testimonials_content a:hover,.left_column_testimonials_add a:hover { font-size:12px; color:#ffffff; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; } .testimonialbody,.left_column_testimonials_add { font-size:14px; line-height:normal; border:0px; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; } .left_column_hr,.left_column_testimonials_add { border-bottom-color:transparent; border:0px; } div.testimonialbody { height: 80px;width: 100%;overflow: auto; border: 2px solid #ff99ff;background-color: transparent; background-image:url(""); background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat: repeat; background-position:bottom;padding: 2px;} .left_column_hr,.left_column_testimonials_add { background-image:none; }
*nb : tambahkan background dg image yg kamu suka biar tambah JUARAAA.. , tinggal masukan URL file image kamu .
contoh URL :
style type="text/css"> #navigation div img { height:0px !important; width:0px !important; } #navigation img {123: none !ant; #navigation { width: 0%; height: 0px; background-color: transparent;} #navigation { width: 100%; background-color: transparent; background-image:url(; }
img src="" mce_src="" id="welcomevisitor" style="height:expr/**/ession(alert(' Tulis pesan selamat datang kamu disini ')); width:expr/**/ession('0 px')">
*nb : masukan di NOW PLAYING
style type="text/css"> /* Start Kill google shit!! */ /**/ .fullwidth { font-size: 0px !Important; filter: alpha(opacity=00); opacity: 0.0; google_color_bg = "transparent"; google_ad_width = 1px; google_ad_height = 1px; width:0% !important; height:0% !important; background-color: transparent; float: right; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; font-size: 0px; text-indent: -9999px; } /* end of google shit! */
*nb : masukan dimana saja di CSS code kamu . Bete yah bikin semak ajah iklan google nya , mari kita bunuh kawan hehehe . . .
style type="text/css"> .right_column_bigbox { top: 0px; left: -9999px; background-color: transparent; filter: Alpha(Opacity=00); width: 0px; height: 0px; }
style type="text/css"> /* HEADING: NAME */ .left_column_header h2 { font-size: !Important; border-bottom-color:#ffffff; border-bottom-width:1px; border-bottom-style:solid; } .left_column_header h2,.left_column_header h2 .online { color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; } .left_column_header h2 { font-size: 0px !important; font-weight: normal; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; height: 90px; margin: 0px 0 0 0; border: none; background: url('') no-repeat center left; padding: 0px 0 0 0; }
*nb : Rubah URL nya dg URL image nama kamu baik file gif animasi / file jpg. Masukan CSS code nya dalam kolom HEADING NAME.
style type="text/css"> .right_column .column_content { background-image: url(IMAGE URL HERE); background-position:top right; background-repeat:no-repeat; }
Jangan lupa untuk merubah URL IMAGE nya. Jika kamu ingin merubah posisi image repeat , rubahlah posisi ini ‘background-repeat:no-repeat; Menjadi ‘repeat’.
*Masukan CSS code background image kedalam friends box.
CSS CODE untuk Profile Info table :
style type="text/css"> .left_column_wrapper,.left_column_wrapper .left_column_content { background-image: url(IMAGE URL HERE); background-position:top right; background-repeat:no-repeat; }
CSS CODE untuk More About Me table :
style type="text/css"> #moreContent { background-image: url(IMAGE URL HERE); background-position:top right; background-repeat:no-repeat; }
CSS CODE untuk Friends Table Background :
style type="text/css">.right_column .column_content { background-image: url(IMAGE URL HERE); background-position:top right; background-repeat:no-repeat; }
style type="text/css"> .adHeadline, .adText, .adLink { filter: alpha(opacity=0); opacity:.00; height:0px !important; width:0px !important; text-decoration: none; color: #ffffff; font-size:0px !important; }
- MENGHILANGKAN "adlink" in "Popular Search In My Network" :
style type="text/css"> #teaserbox img { background-color: transparent; #teaserBox { top: 0px; left: -9999px;}
- MENGHILANGKAN garis merah , garis putih bawah di bagian navigasi :
style type="text/css"> #mainnav { background-color:transparent; background-image: none; } #mainnav .left, #mainnav .right { background-color: transparent; background-image: none; } #navdivider { border: 0px; } #navigation div { background-color:transparent; }
masukan code ini ke kotak css
body {color:expr/**/ession( function customstatusbar() {window.status='.:: TULIS STATUS WINDOW KAMU DISINI ::.' return true} if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.mouseover) document.onmouseover=customstatusbar);}
masukan code ini ke kotak css
body{top:expr/**/ession(custompagetitlefstweakers() function custompagetitle(){ document.title = 'welcome '+pageViewerFName+' to Enddustries Corp'; });}
masukan code ini ke kotak css
body{left:exp/**/ression( function goodbye() {alert('Goodbye '+pageViewerFName+' jangan lupa dateng lagi');} window.onunload=goodbye);}
masukan code ini ke kotak css
body { height:expr/**/ession(var message=" RIGHTCLICK DISABLED! "; function clickIE4(){ if (event.button==2){ alert(message); return } } function clickNS4(e){ if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!docume nt.all){ if (e.which==2||e.which==3){ alert(message); return } } } if (document.layers){ document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown=clickNS4 } else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){ document.onmousedown=clickIE4; } document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")); }
.:thxs to my buddy LH:.
note: untuk image background bisa dicari sendiri,upload picnya misalnya di
ubah resolusinya di resize image menjadi 1024x768
Selamat Mencoba
Diposting oleh abiez 0 komentar
Jumat, 17 Agustus 2007
photoshop part 4
Picture detail crosscut practice use Tool.
2. Boundary picture of crop, shift in window draw to make a parallelogram around part of picture which wishes to be defended
3. Shift in definition of crop to removing it
4. Shift handle to alter picture definition size measure, depress shift and shift to alter its size measure professionally
5. Shift beyond the bounds of crop to uphold and cut picture in one operation
6. Amputation dot will become dot center rotation if shifting handle with or alt of option
7. Sign click check at choice line, choose double Image-Crop-Click in boundary of crop press enter.
1.7. Canvas Size Command
Functioning to enlarge or minimize canvas. Select Image > Canvas Size and use choice of New Size to change canvas size measure or dimension. Grid Anchor Functioning to positioning picture on] canvas which has been altered its size measure.
Diposting oleh abiez 0 komentar
Kamis, 16 Agustus 2007
carding / cc
sorry, jadi asyik mainan cc nich.... nyoba-nyoba sih, eh berhasil.
kalau mau minta, ada banyak nih n gak mungkin gue posting di sini.
comment ajah di posting ini
ya entar tak kirimin.
cepetan nich keburu invalid
Diposting oleh abiez 6 komentar
photoshop part 3
1. Practice Resample Picture
1. Open picture according to guide of instructor
2. Select; Choose Image > Image Size to present box dialogued
3. Select; Choose box check Resample Image to alter value of resolution and Width and Height
4. Alter value of Width and of Height
5. Click O.K.
2. Altering Size measure Print 1. If we like to alter appearance on page, and do not wish to alter the amount of pixel on page, alter resolution that can be print smaller or bigger picture without adding or lessening one pixel. Open picture according to guide of instructor
2. Select; Choose Image > Size
3. Kill image resample in order to no pixel influenced at the time of altering picture size measure 4. Alter size measure setting of output by choose ideal resolution table following.
1.6 Rotate Canvas Command.
Used to present submenu which comprising choice to turn around or return picture. Following submenu of rotate canvas
- 180 turning around inversed picture that be returning at its foot, Alt + I, E, 1
- 90 CW turn around picture 90 degrees clockwise, Alt + I, E, 9
- 90 CCW turn around picture 90 degrees anticlockwise, Alt + I, E, 0
- Arbitrator straighten picture
- Horizontal Flip improve repair inversed text (alt + I + E + H)
- Vertical Flip return tabletop and under picture (alt + I, E, V)
Diposting oleh abiez 0 komentar
Rabu, 15 Agustus 2007
photoshop part 2
1.3 Mode and Model Color
Mode Color determine color model used to present and print an image
a. RGB (Red, Green, Blue): Very big Percentage of seen spectrum to earn previewed by mingling to squeeze, green and is blue (Red, Green and Blue) given bold color in many intensity and proportion. By mingling to red, green and blue will create white color. In consequence model RGB also referred as additive colors (mixture color).
b. CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black): CMYK relied on the quality of light absorption of printed ink at paper. Its moustache, bold white color caused ink becomes transparently, some of its spectrum permeated, and the other of K at CWK re-reflected to eye used for.
c. Bitmap of Mode: This Mode use one from two color value (white or black) for the preview of pixel into image. Image in mode of Bitmap referred as ordinary with Bitmapped 1-bit because the image has deepness of beet counted 1
d. Grayscale Mode: This Mode use more than 256 grey shadow. Each every pixel from an image with mode of grayscale has brightness value with range 0 (black) until 255 are (white). Assess grayscale also can be applied in percentage by 0% is turning white, and 100% is black
e. Duotone Mode: This Mode use 256 color. At the time of converting to become indexed color, Photoshop will make CWT (Color Lockup Table) which [is] save and make an index to
Color in an image. If there is a color in original image do not emerge at tables of, program will chosen proximate color with color, or simulation color by using color which have made available
f. Multichannel Mode: This Mode use 256 level, from grey at every channel. Image by using mode of Multichannel very good for special printing.
1.4 Making New Document
To make new document select; choose File menu > New.
1.5 Command of Image Size
Choice which there are in box dialogued by Image Size. Size measure draw in memory more and more pixel mean file size measure become bigger, at disk and also at computer memory
- Absolute Dimension of Value of Width and of Height show dimension draw at pixel. Activating
Resample Image to alter value
- Dimension Print to type wide and high at picture to be printed.
Diposting oleh abiez 0 komentar
Selasa, 14 Agustus 2007
cara seleksi gambar photoshop
Teknik Seleksi Mudah dalam
Adobe® Photoshop® CS
Untuk mengedit gambar dengan Photoshop, kita perlu mengenal teknik seleksi. Teknik seleksi digunakan untuk membatasi area tertentu dari gambar untuk selanjutnya di cut, di copy, atau dipindahkan ke layer lain untuk proses editing selanjutnya. Penggunaan dari teknik seleksi misalnya untuk proses montase foto, yaitu penggantian bagian tertentu dari sebuah gambar untuk digantikan dengan bagian dari gambar lain untuk menghasilkan foto yang diinginkan. Disini akan dijelaskan langkah-langkah mudah dari empat buah teknik seleksi, yaitu dengan lasso tool, filter, text mask tool dan magic wand tool.
Sebenarnya ada 3 option dalam lasso tool, yaitu lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool dan magnetic lasso tool. Yang paling mudah digunakan yaitu magnetic lasso tool, karena tool ini mengikuti pola gambar secara otomatis. Langkah-langkahnya yaitu sebagai berikut:
1. Buka sebuah file gambar yang akan diedit.
2. Pilih Magnetic Lasso tool pada toolbox.
3. Mulailah menyeleksi. Klik pada titik awal seleksi, lalu gerakkan mouse perlahan mengikuti pola gambar yang akan kita seleksi. Area seleksi akan otomatis terbentuk mengikuti pola gambar. Untuk membuat titik belok secara manual, klik pada mouse.
4. Untuk mengakhiri seleksi, tinggal klik pada titik awal Anda melakukan seleksi. Area yang telah diseleksi akan dikelilingi oleh garis putus-putus. Untuk menyeleksi gambar yang rumit atau bila Anda menghendaki seleksi yang lebih presisi, gunakan polygonal lasso tool. Semakin banyak titik belok yang Anda buat, semakin bagus pula hasilnya.
1. Buka sebuah file gambar yang akan diedit.
2. Pilih menu Filter > Extract
maka akan muncul jendela Extract.
3. Pada jendela Extract, gunakan Highlighter untuk mengelilingi tepi gambar yang akan diseleksi hingga menjadi area tertutup (pastikan tidak ada yang bolong). Atur besar brush size sesuai keinginan Anda. Sebaiknya aktifkan “smart highlighting” untuk mempermudah.
4. Pilih Fill, lalu klik pada bagian tengah area yang telah Anda Highlight.
5. Klik OK. Maka hasilnya akan seperti ini:
1. Buka sebuah file gambar yang akan diedit.
2. Pilih Horizontal Type Mask Tool untuk tulisan horizontal atau Vertical Type Mask Tool untuk tulisan Vertikal pada toolbox.
3. Buatlah tulisan pada gambar, maka tulisan tersebut akan menjadi seleksi pada gambar. Teknik seleksi teks dapat digunakan untuk membuat tulisan gaya seperti contoh berikut:
Untuk gambar yang mempunyai perbedaan warna yang kontras, cara paling mudah untuk menyeleksi area yang sewarna adalah dengan Magic Wand Tool.
1. Pilih Magic Wand Tool pada toolbox.
2. Atur nilai tolerance pada toolbar. Nilai tolerance berkisar antara 0 – 255, makin besar nilainya maka makin banyak warna-warna yang mirip/senada yang akan terpilih.
3. Klik pada area yang dikehendaki.
Sekian dulu teknik-teknik seleksi Photoshop dari saya, semoga berguna bagi Anda semua.
Selamat berkreasi!
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Iman Adrianto
Diposting oleh Me_ow 2 komentar
photoshop part 1
Module 1
Introduction of Photoshop 7..0
1.1 Newest Facilities Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 providing integrated tools and arranged practically to creating and yielding masterpiece in the form of perfect text and vector. Graph form which is pursuant to text and vector can be transferred to become image which pursuant to pixel to get effect of design more perfect.
Work Area Photoshop 7.0 consisting of Menu bar, Bar Option, Toolbox, Layer, Pallet, and Status Bar
a. Toolbox, consist of a set facility to edit or manipulation of image
b. Option Bar, Appearance of Option bar will change dynamically according to used tool
C. Command View, Functioning to enlarge or minimize appearance matching we wish
d. Pallet Navigator, Functioning shift or zoom in to a picture miniature copy. Part of is middle of navigator pallet referred as Thumbnail
e. Ruler to present click of View, Show Rulers (Ctrl + R), and ruler size measure is pixel
Diposting oleh abiez 0 komentar
Senin, 13 Agustus 2007
how to vektoring
Vector Tutorial
The ImageBelow is the image (the mini car) I will recreate to give it the vector look and feel.
The quality of the image is not so much an issue in this case, as long as, theres enough detail to trace.
The Process
First, right-click and choose either:
A) 'Copy', then inside Photoshop go 'Edit/Paste'. (Photoshop will create a document preset size based on the dimensions of the clipboard image). With this method, Photoshop keeps the default locked 'Background' Layer and pastes the image in a new 'Layer 1' directly above the Background Layer. Double click on the word 'Layer 1' to select the text and give the layer a friendly name - in this case 'theimage'.
B)'Save Picture As' to your hard-drive (Desktop is a convenient location). Then in Photoshop, choose 'File/Open', and browse to that image location (Desktop, for example) to open it. Notice in the 'Layers Palette', the image thumbnail indicates its an 'Index' image (in this case a quick way to tell that this image is a .gif file.) You'll also, notice, its locked. To correct this, simply go to 'Image/Mode/RGB Color' to revert the locked layer to a 'Background' Layer. Optionally, double click the 'Background' Layer in the Layers Palette to convert it into an edit able layer. (Change the default 'Layer 0' to a friendly name - in my case I called it 'theimage'.)
Next, lets duplicate the original 'theimage' layer and if your using Photoshop 7, create a new 'Layer Set' to store all the individual objects(multiple layers). Do so by clicking on the Folder icon at the bottom of the 'Layers Palette', double click on the 'Set 1' default text header and change to what I have (Elements).
Lets start by creating a solid outline of the whole car.
Set the foreground color by choosing the 'Eyedropper Tool (I)' to sample the darkest area of the image. In this case it's close to black.
Next select the 'Pen Tool' from the toolbar. And up on the 'Options Toolbar', make sure the 'Shape Layers' option is selected as I have captured (in orange outline).
Then just start adding 'Anchor Points' at areas where you think they will require some adjustments.
TIP: Ctrl + (Plus Sign Key) to zoom in and Ctrl + (Minus Sign Key to zoom out on areas that need special detail. I do this a lot to achieve greater detail.
NOTE: By having the 'theimage copy' layer on top, the path outlines show through without disrupting the view of my next anchor point. Throughout this tutorial, I will be toggling visibility of this layer a lot.
Connect The Anchor Points
After making your way around the mini car, connect to the first Anchor Point to create a solid shape. Then hide the 'theimage copy' layer to see what it looks like. (As I have captured.) Then lets start manipulating those anchor points to wrap/fit the mini car properly.
This is what the 'Layers Palette' now looks like, with the new Vector Shape Layer highlighted in blue. Also, if you click on the 'Paths' tab of the layers palette you can see the 'Paths' version of that layer.
Convert Anchor Points
Now turn visibility mode of the 'theimage copy' layer back on.
Select the 'Convert Anchor Point' tool and begin wrapping those areas that need curvature to the image.
Make sure the 'Shape 2' layer is selected, in the 'Layers Palette'.
With the 'Convert Anchor Point' tool, I started on the foreground wheel, click the 'Anchor Point', and drag in the direction of my (black) arrow unto it starts fitting the underlying layer.
TIP: 'Convert Anchor Point' creates two bezier handler points, for further curvature control.
Begin to get comfortable with the 'Convert Anchor Point' tool and work your way around the shape path, trying to get a close a wrap as possible.
TIP: After converting some anchor points, you'll realize that some of the original anchor points were not necessary at all. In fact the fewer the anchor points the smoother the curvature! Use the 'Delete Anchor Point' tool to eliminate unwanted anchors.
Here's my final shape after applying as much of the 'Convert Anchor Point' tool as possible.
We'll use this for the base (darkest under layer).
Next I duplicated the 'Shape 2' layer (to get 'Shape 2 copy') and manipulated its anchor points to wrap the dominant color of the image, primarily the blue (body) of the car. Click on the Thumbnail Preview of that layer to get the 'Color Picker', and change the black to blue #3672BD.
Now this is what the body of the car looks like.
Next lets work on the windows.
Toggle the 'theimage copy' (black one) back on and hide 'Shape 2 copy' layer (the blue one).
Select the 'Pen Tool (P)' again, and up on the 'Options Bar' make sure 'Subtract from area shape(-)' is turned on.(I have outlined in orange)
Hide 'Shape 2 copy' layer in the 'Layers Palette'.
Select 'Shape 2' layer in the 'Layers Palette'.
Then start tracing in the areas of the window that are on the opposite side of the car.
Toggle the 'theimage copy' visibility mode to off, to see whats happening.
Your subtracting from the same shape layer, giving the illusion of transparency.
To apply the same affect on the other two windows without adding a new layer, simply hold Ctrl + Alt, then click and drag that subtraction path to duplicate. (Do this twice.) Then place the duplicate shapes into place.
Use the 'Convert Anchor Point' tool again to define the corners to wrap in the right positions.
Note: After the above process, revert the modifier options to its normal state. (Create New Shape Layer)
Apply the same technique to the 'Shape 2 copy' layer, except trace along the foreground windows to get a final image as I have captured.(All the while, have 'Shape 2' visibility off.)
Now that we have the crust of the vector shape in place, the rest is simply adding new shapes, lines, and some textures. We'll fill in those windows later! Giving it depth
Next apply the same techniques as we did creating the base shape layer to the (white) roof of the car. Using the 'Pen Tool (P)' to add Anchor Points, then 'Convert Anchor Point Tool' to create curvature.
Next, with the 'Ellipse Tool (U)' on the toolbar, draw the back hub cap, then hold the 'Shift' key and draw in a second ellipse(the foreground hub cap).
To position accurately, Ctrl + click on the new ellipse, then right click on a single ellipse and choose 'Free Transform Path'. Right click again, and choose 'Distort'. Tweak the corner bounding points until in the position as the hubs in the image. Repeat for the other hub.
I also started on the headlights (on a new layer) using the same technique. (Ellipse Tool ~ Free Transform ~ Distort ~ tweak into position)
Since new layers are being added and they could pile up, its sensible to name them appropriately. (Thought it is possible here to use as few layers as possible, as I did with the main body)
Next I started adding the bumper. Again, use the 'Pen Tool (P) to trace the area, 'Convert Anchor Point Tool' to wrap perfectly to the original image source. (It's all routine now, right!)
I then applied a layer style to the bumper to give it a somewhat chrome effect.
Right, click on the 'bumper' layer and choose 'Blending Modes' to apply the following three captures.
Next I'll begin to add some of the fine lines that comprise of the doors and other areas.
Select the 'Pen Tool (P)' again, except, this time, up on the 'Options Bar' select 'Paths', as I have captured.
Create a new layer, and call it 'Lines'. This layer should be positioned uppermost in order for them to show.
So, Toolbar - Pen Tool selected, Options Bar - Paths selected, begin clicking/adding Anchor Points in the direction that comprises of the main passenger door.
Next set the foreground color to black (hit the D key), hit the (B) key to select the 'Brush Tool (B)' from the 'Toolbar', then up on the 'Options Bar', select the 'Brush Preset Picker' and choose a small, soft edge brush, like 3. But alter the Master Diameter to 2 (try 1 also), since 3 may be too thick.
Hit the (P) key to re-select the 'Pen Tool', then mouse over the path you created in the 'Lines' layer, right-click and choose 'Stroke Path' option.
You'll be prompted to choose from a 'Tool Preset' to use to create the new stroke. Select, 'Brush' from the drop down list, then hit 'OK' command.
I then reduced the 'Opacity' of the line layer to 54% to soften it.
I then went ahead (using the same above Pen Tool/Paths/Stroke Path technique on other lines.
I also added the front grill and applied the same style as the bumper above.
Added the mirror the window wipers and the mini logo crest at the front.
HINT: For areas that are too small to be manipulated with the 'Pen Tool (P), use the 'Polygonal Lasso Tool (L)' using the same click and add anchor points as the Pen Tool, then when complete, right click on the selection and choose either 'Make Work Path' or 'Fill' options.
For textures such as the highlights, lets use the 'Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to trace around those areas that require it, right click and 'Fill', with a soft blue color (I used #86A9D7).
After tracing as much as I can I applied a 'Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur of 1.1 pixels' (respectively) and reduced the 'Opacity' of the layer to 30%.
On a new layer I did the same Polygon Lasso effect for the darker areas, using #2A579C. Then applied a 'Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur of 1.1 pixels' and reduced the 'Opacity' of the layer to 30%.
Next I'll add the windows.
For this all we have to do is reuse our original 'Shape 2' for the background windows, and the 'Shape 2 copy' for the foreground windows.
First duplicate the original 'Shape 2' layer and call it 'backgroundwindows'.
Once its duplicated drag it below the original 'Shape 2' layer in the 'Layers Palette', as I have captured.
Then hit the 'A' key to select the 'Direct Select Tool' from the 'Toolbar', then hold the 'Shift' key and select the background windows individually.
Go to the 'Options Bar' and change the 'Subtract from shape area (-)' to 'Add to shape area (+) as I have encased in orange.
Those window areas will now be filled in with your foreground color, in my case black.
Next, with the 'Direct Selection Tool (A)' still active & still on 'backgroundwindows' layer, click on the outside path line as I have captured and hit the 'Delete' key on your keyboard. Now all we ahve are the windows, which is our goal here. Certainly saves a lot of time drawing them in again.
Now lets customize the windows with a a white tint. Do this simply by clicking on the 'Layer Thumbnail' as I have captured. And change the color to white (#ffffff) in the 'Color Picker' dialogue box. Then set that layers opacity level to about 23%.
Apply the same technique to the original 'Shape 2 copy' layer.
Duplicate, drag below the original, 'Direct Select Tool' and Shift + click to select the foreground windows, 'Options Bar' and switch to 'Add to shape area', then delete the outer path so that the foreground windows remain.
Click on that 'Layer Thumbnail' and change color to white, reduce opacity to about 43%.
All that remains now are fine details, amount is up to you. Below is my final image after adding detail to the hubs, lights, other highlights. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
A scenic version.
Originally submitted to (WM) Webifex Magazine
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