photoscape, easy to use n easy to understand. pertana kali saya mencoba photoscape, dan melihat banyak pilihan yang ditawarkan oleh photoscape saya langsung menyukainya. didalam software ini terdapat banyak pilihan untuk mengedit photo, dari membuat slide show sampai membuat photo kita menjadi gif. kita bisa meng crop bagian photo yang kita inginkan sampai nerubah texture warna. kemudahan yang menguntungkan, membuat photo photo kita yang tadinya baru tampilannya, dan kita merasa bosan akan tampilan itu, kita dengan beberapa menit bisa nerubahnya dengan tampilan yang lama atau antique photo for change it dan yang pastinya lebih menarik untuk dilihat. no loose for try it,! selamat mencoba. oya saya akan perlihatkan beberapa photo yang baru saya edit dengan photoscape,photo ini saya ambil dari kamera hp, tp jadinya lumayan menjadi bagus.
try photoscape and have fun with it.me_ow
Sabtu, 15 September 2007
Try Photoscape
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just like i said, if inkscape produced also created an image processing, just like adobe illustrator with adobe photoshop, now i introduction photoscape
so what is photscape ???
Photoscape - Photoscape is the fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos.
Key Features:
* Viewer: View your folders photos, slideshow
* Editor: resizing, brightness and color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming
* Batch editor: Batch editing multiple photos
* Page: Make one photo by merging multiple photos at the page frame
* Combine: Make one photo by attaching multiple photos vertically or horizontally
* Animated GIF: Make one animation photo with multiple photos
* Print: Print portrait shot, carte de visite, passport photo
* Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it
* Color Picker: Zoom in screen on images, search and pick the color
* Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode
* Raw Converter: Convert RAW to JPG
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Label: features, photoscape, reviews
Kamis, 13 September 2007
svg format
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) merupakan format gambar yang umumnya digunakan pada gambar vektor. Keunggulan gambar berformat SVG adalah tampilannya yang tetap rapi sekalipun dia diperbesar.
Format gambar SVG mulai diterapkan pada browser web seperti Opera dan Firefox. Gambar vektor diperkirakan akan menjadi format yang cukup banyak digunakan di beberapa tahun mendatang. (
cara melihat SVG
SVG didukung oleh Firefox dan Opera web browsers. web surfers terpopuler yang digunakan selain Internet Explorer - jika anda menggunakan Internet Explorer dan ingin browsing web site dengan SVG anda membutuhkan SVG viewer plugin seperti salah satunya dari Adobe atau mungkin Apache Batik.
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Rabu, 12 September 2007
covert pdf jadi svg (inkscape format)
Convert PDF documents to SVG for Inkscape (pdf2svg)
I searched and searched the web for a project that could convert PDF documents into an editable format for some free software on Linux. I use Ubuntu daily at my workplace and only use a single Windows application for accounting software via RDP / VMPlayer. I needed a way to be able to modify PDF documents and I have Inkscape with all the features I need, except a functioning PDF import filter. Inkscape uses pstoedit which doesn't extract embedded raster images and convert them for the SVG format. There is a plugin for pstoedit to convert to SVG for $50, but it caused a segfault on my machine. So no joy with a single tool to automagically convert my documents.
I spent a loooong time trying different formats from pstoedit and converting through various other software to end up with an SVG file that I can use in Inkscape with included raster images. The following is the process I used to create the best results. The steps I have used are for creating one page at a time. Some more automation could be added to make most of this work without all these steps, as well as to do each page in the PDF document automatically.
Step 1
Create a working directory for this project. You will likely be creating hundreds of files during this process and it can get messy if it's mixed in with other documents.
Step 2
Make a Level 1 Postscript file from a page in the PDF document. When extracting pages from a PDF document, pstoedit's intermediate file formats have no support for Level 2 Postscript raster images. We'll create a Level 1 Postscript file from a PDF page that pstoedit will handle correctly.
pdf2ps -f pagenum -l pagenum -dLanguageLevel=1 document.pdf
Step 3
Convert the page to the fig format. The pstoedit tool does this job decently, and creates tons of files in the process. This process creates a .fig document with all of the images in separate EPS files. The .fig document simply references the image files to be included. At this point you could use xfig to make modifications, but it would be horribly slow and difficult to work with. This process will also rasterize all text, but I'll show in a later step how to get vectors back in your document.
pstoedit -f fig page.fig
Step 4
Convert from the fig format to the SVG format. When this is done, the SVG document contains only some formatting and placement information, while referencing all of the external EPS files.
fig2dev -L svg page.fig page.svg
Step 5
Convert EPS images to PNG images for use with Inkscape. Inkscape can't import those raster EPS files, only vector EPS files (it uses pstoedit to do the conversions, so it is limited by that tool). The EPS images must be converted to an image format that Inkscape can use. I chose PNG because the format is free, standardized, and lossless. Unfortunately, there is a problem that prevents a direct conversion. When pstoedit created the EPS files with embedded raster images, the EPS file may specify an incorrect image size/formatting. This shows up as white lines that surround the raster images, and the white lines are inconsistent between the images. What must be done is to extract the raster image data from the EPS file, not using the EPS specified sizing and formatting. The way to do this is rather ugly, but it works. First, the EPS files will be converted to PDF files. Second, the tool pdfimages will extract the raster images from the PDF files. Third, the Imagemagick tool convert will conver the images to PNG files.
mkdir tmpimages
for epsfile in *.eps
do echo "${epsfile}"
convert "${epsfile}" "${epsfile}.pdf"
pdfimages "${epsfile}.pdf" tmpimages/
convert tmpimages/* "${epsfile}.png"
rm -f "${epsfile}.pdf"
rm -f tmpimages/*
rm -rf tmpimages/
Step 6
Change all the references in the SVG file from .eps to .eps.png. Open your favorite text editor (or get creative with sed) and change all .eps to .eps.png.
Step 7
Add the proper attributes in the
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